
Oxhey Wood Primary School

1 Darwin

Welcome to Year 1 Darwin


I am your class teacher Miss Mcdonald. In our classroom we also have the wonderful Miss Smulskyte supporting us. The adults always work hard to ensure children are safe and happy. We have lots of exciting topics planned this year as well as some amazing trips to support learning opportunities.

At Oxhey Wood we have an open door policy so please feel free to speak to me before or after school or email me at I am happy to answer any questions and queries.


PE is every Thursday afternoon.

Reading books will be changed every Tuesday and Thursday.



Autumn 1- Toys

Toy museum

Autumn 2- Dinosaurs

Creating clay fossils

We used clay to create a fossil.

Road safety

Lollypop ladies came in to talk to us about road safety. We even got to wear some safety clothes.

Christmas panto

Sleeping Beauty

Christmas lunch

Christmas writing

We wrote Christmas letters to Santa and made our own envelopes. We even addressed the envelope. 

Spring 1- Nurses through history

Healthy eating day

Year 1 participated in healthy eating day. We learnt about what foods are healthy and unhealthy, what food groups are and made fruit skewers.


The children enjoy using different resources to learn new math skills. They often work in partners so they can help each other learn. 

Reading breakfast

The children enjoy their parents/carers coming into class and sharing stories and eating breakfast together.

Art lessons

In art this half term we have been creating beach pictures, using different textures for a collage and painting.


We have been learning about materials in science and using the new knowledge we have learnt, we created an umbrella and tested it in the rain.

Spring 2 - Brazil

Summer 1- Woodland Walks

We learnt about Shabbat within our RE lesson about Judaism. Mrs Caplan came to explain and show us what she does every Friday evening. 

For Geography, we learnt about our local area and about human and physical features. We went for a walk to find human features and ended in the library. The assistants read us 2 stories and showed us around the library.

In art, we created stamps to make a repeating pattern using paint.

For STEM week we had a scientist come in to show us different experiments. Also Nurse Scourfield came to visit us and spoke about her job and let us use the bandages.

Summer 2 overview

Westcliff on sea pictures

Year 1's reading passport shows the recommended books the children can read to promote the love of reading, enhance their imaginations and introduce them to new vocabulary.

Sports week

The reading passport will cover year 1 and year 2. The books on the reading passport are the recommended books for you to read to your child. Once read, your child, with your help, can write about the story.

Once all the books have been read and your child has made comments on the stories, bring the passport back into school and your child will receive a prize. 

Top marks and ICT games are free and the children can play educational games.
