
Oxhey Wood Primary School

3 Simmonds

Summer 2 Overview

Science workshop STEM week

Summer 1 Overview

Children had great fun creating their volcanoes!

Spring 1 Overview

Computing workshop: We had great fun creating our anti bullying adverts!

Reading breakfast

Drama 4 all workshop

Simmonds class

This is our class

Welcome to Year 3 Simmonds, I am your class teacher Mrs Sansanwal. In our lovely class we also have Mrs Farmer supporting us. We have had a great start to the school year and children have settled in really well. We have lots of exciting learning planned throughout the year and have exciting opportunities to further our learning. At Oxhey Wood we have an open door policy so please feel free to speak with me before or after school or an alternative is to email during the working day. 

Looking forward to having a year of fun filled learning!
