
Oxhey Wood Primary School


Welcome to Banksy!​​​​​​

Visiting the NAWT for Generosity Day

Welcome to Banksy. I am your class teacher, Mrs Keane. In our amazing Banksy team we have Steph and Miss Banister. We all work incredibly hard to provide an environment where the children feel safe, nurtured and ready to learn through fun, practical and engaging learning experiences. As always, we are looking forward to the exciting year ahead of us packed full of exciting trips and projects. 


At Oxhey Wood we have an open door policy, so please feel free to speak to me before or after school or contact me by email -

No question or query is ever too small.


Our Learning for Summer Term 


This term we are going to be learning all about rivers and oceans. We are going to be finding out about the different kinds of creatures that live in the oceans across the world and what creatures we can find in our local rivers and streams. We will be going on a trip to test out our pond dipping skills and learning all about the animals we find. In maths, we are going to continue to learn our timetables and look at shapes and their properties, addition and subtraction and measure. In English we are going to making fact files, writing stories and practicing our sentence work. 
