
Oxhey Wood Primary School

2 Tudor

Our finger puppets we made for our coastal topic.

Summer 2 overview

Well done to 2Tudor for a fantastic half term! Assemblies, trips, recounts, topic about Monarchs and Mother tongue day to name a few of the wonderful things that we have been upto this half term. Have a well deserved break and we look forward to seeing you all in Summer 1.

Monarchs workshop 28.03.24: The children time ravelled back to the time of the Magna Carta and learnt about different monarchs in history: King John to Our current monarch. King Charles 111.

Church visit 26.03.24. This week we visited All Saints Church to learn about the resurrection of Jesus.

A dragon came to school!

Still image for this video

Spring 2 curriculum overview

Reading breakfast 31.01.24- Thank you for coming to share a love of reading all whilst enjoying tasty treats!

For our Generosity day, the children buddied up with year 5 and togetehr they read to each other stories and talked about them.

Spring 1 overview

Reading passport

This year's panto trip was the performance of Sleeping Beauty. Children were engaged from the very beginning and were talking about all afternoon. Well done to all the children for their impeccable behaviour and modelling to other schools how they should behave.

Great Fire of London re-creation day!! The children all had a fantastic experience with the firefighters this week. They have been very busy over this half term, designing and making their houses in the style of houses on Pudding Lane. They then watched what happened when the houses were too close together and made of wood.

Maths: The children played a game whereby they had to re-balance the cubes using think 10.

Magical minds workshop and performance

Halloween 31st October: The children had a great day trick or treating and all looked fantastic in their costumes.

Half term already! Thank you to the children and yourselves for a fantastic start to the school year. The children have enjoyed a variety of activities over the course of this half term with even more exciting things to look forward to next half term. 

Autumn 2 subject overview

Oxhey Wood meets Great British Bake Off! We are ready for that Bake off tent in 2 Tudor! We have perfected our bread making skills and the children loved creating their own flavours

Year 2 Tudor's reading breakfast! Thank you to all the parents who joined us for a lovely morning of breakfast and reading! Children loved it, thank you :)

This week in Science the children stood on a desert island and had to think about the things they need in order to survive. They then had to make a list of things that would make them happy.

This week we have begun a new English topic: Tadpole's Promise. The first lesson was thoroughly enjoyed by all the children as they were able to explore a role play pond and had to fish the lilypads out of the pond with different promises on. They then wrote their own promises using the possessive apostrophe for their own names. .

On Tuesday, a company called Perform came in and did a workshop with us. They reinacted the book Around the world in 80 days. The actress pretended she was Phileas Fogg and took the children on an adventure. They explored different countries and had to say hello and other phrases from that country.

Beebots fun! The children loved exploring algorithms with the Beebots.

This week the focus book for English has been Last Stop on Market Street. The children have explored the characters, understood new terminology and found the beauty in the ordinary! They have written some wonderful pieces of writing describing the beauty around our school. 

I am your class teacher Mrs Farmer. In our amazing class we also have Mrs Ferreira and together we are there to support the children with their learning.

The teachers in Tudor class work hard to ensure all the children are safe and happy at school.

We also do our best to make learning fun and practical, so that the children enjoy all their lessons and learn lots along the way!


At Oxhey Wood we have an open door policy so please feel free to speak with me before or after school or an alternative is to email:

No question or query is ever too small.
