
Oxhey Wood Primary School

1 Sharman

1 Sharman Staff

Summer 1- Woodland Walks

This term we will be exploring our local area including the animals which live here. 

Summer 1 Overview- Woodland Walk

Investigating materials to determine whether our boats will sink or float.

Ordering numbers to 20

Positional language teddy bear hunt.

Enjoying a refreshing drink during snack time.

Meet the Teacher

Welcome to year 1. I am Miss Ertanin, your class teacher.  We are very lucky in Sharman as we have a fantastic team of TA's Miss Smulskyte and Mrs Camen to help you with your learning.  We are very excited about the year ahead and have lots of exciting topics, activities, visitors and trips planned.  

At Oxhey Wood, we have an open door policy so please feel free to speak to me before or after school.  If you find it easier or would like to book a time please email me on: and I will reply as soon as possible.

Our Class Photo

Autumn 1 Overview

Spring Term Overview
