
Oxhey Wood Primary School

Year 4 Key Information

This term in Geography we are learning all about Rivers. We will be learning about local rivers including a visit to Cassiobury Park to paddle in the river Gade. This will help us in our science as we will be learning all about living things and their habitats. We will be able to investigate different habitats in our local area and identify different species

This term we are learning all about the Vikings and their invasion on Britain. We will be learning about Viking trade and how they exchanged goods. In addition, we will be learning about Edward the Confessor and how he impacted Britain. In Science we are going to be learning all about sound. We will be identifying how sound travels, if it can be seen and the inner workings of the ear. We have lots of exciting experiments coming up!

This half term we are learning all about Mountains. We will be locating mountains and mountain ranges on a world map, we will be learning about mountain safety and the difference between a mountain and a hill. In Science, we are learning about states of matter. We will be learning about the water cycle as this has a fabulous link to mountains. 

This half term we are learning all about the Romans.  We will be learning about different

how the Roman army began so strong as well as how they invaded England. In addition, impact the Romans left in England. In Science we are going to be learning all about teeth and digestion. We will be identifying the different teeth and the importance of keeping teeth healthy as what tooth decay is. We have lots of exciting, disgusting investigations coming up!

This half term we are learning all about Greeks.  We will be learning about different ancient Greek artefacts and discussing what they tell is about life during that time. In addition, we will be considering how life differs from then to now and were their methods positive. In Science we are going to be learning all about electricity. We will be identifying the different ways electricity is made, as well as recognising what is needed in a circuit when we build them. We have lots of exciting investigations coming up!
