
Oxhey Wood Primary School

5 Rosen

Willow tree school trip

Summer overview

Secondary school admissions

Summer 1

This half-term we are learning all about the Tudors with a trip to Hampton court to get us started! We are reading a book called treason and writing Tudor stories and biographies about Tudor monarchs.


This term we are learning about animal life cycles in our Science lessons and our local area in Geography lessons where we will go on a walk around the local area. In our English lessons we will have the opportunity to explore two fiction books- The water Tower and the Boy in the Tower- learning about suspense and mystery writing. WE are looking forward to learning about different countries, cultures and languages on Mother Tongue day on Tuesday 27th February. 


Year 5 Reading Passport

Spring term

Spring 1 Curriculum Overview

Welcome to the Spring term in Rosen class where we have lots of exciting learning planned. Our new geography topic will take our learning to Spain where we will be comparing climates, landscapes, landmarks and language. We will also have the chance to send postcards to children in a Spanish school. In our Science and English lessons we will be learning all about the solar system and comparing different planets. We will even learn how to describe all the planets in French! On Wednesday 10th January Rosen class will start their next set of swimming lessons so please remember your swimming kit and swimming hat. 

Reading breakfast

Halloween and Christmas fun!

Science : reversible and irreversible changes in materials

Autumn term

Welcome to Rosen Class! I am Mrs Lawson, your class teacher. We have a fantastic team with Mrs Ndregoni and Mrs Grimwood  also supporting the children with their learning. The adults in Rosen class work hard to ensure all the children are safe and happy at school. We have lots of exciting learning opportunities this term starting with an Egyptian workshop with an Egyptologist this week!

On Wednesday 20th September our swimming lessons start and they continue until October half-term. After half-term PE lessons will be tennis on Monday afternoons. 


At Oxhey Wood we have an open door policy so please feel free to speak with me before or after school or you can email: 

No question or query is ever too small.

Meet the teacher September 2023 information meeting

Autumn term 1 curriculum overview

Autumn 2 Curriculum Overview
