
Oxhey Wood Primary School


Welcome to Rashford

Meet the team!

About Rashford

In Rashford we pride ourselves on creating a calm and nurturing environment for your children to learn and feel safe in school. Our learning is done through a range of fun and interactive sessions in which we work to support your children's individual needs. 

At Oxhey Wood we have an open door policy, so please feel free to come and speak to me if you have any worries or concerns or email us


Mrs Keane and Mrs Loomes

Class Teachers 

Summer 1

Bouncing bubbles experiment

Star of the week

Planting our sunflowers

Spring 1

During spring term in Rashford we are looking forward to going on a 'Road Trip to the USA' as part of our topic work. In Science we are going to be learning all about light. 

Road Saftey Workshop

Sensory Maths


This term in Rashford we are going to be learning all about dinosaurs! We are very excited to see what fossils we can excavate, what we can make out of junk modelling and what we can find out about the history of all of the different types of dinosaurs.

Colour monsters


Biscuit decorating!

Our first day
