
Oxhey Wood Primary School

Year 1

1 Sharman - Miss Divecha (

1 Darwin - Mrs Vincett (

Welcome to Year 1 Sharman and Darwin. 


We are named after the first female British astronaut, Helen Sharman and one of the most famous scientists, Charles Darwin. 

Summer 2 - The Windsor's

Year 1 meeting the newly hatched chickens.

Summer 1 - Woodland Walks

Year 1 have had an extremely busy Summer 1 term! They have developed their writing skills in English through a variety of texts and creative writing opportunities, learnt about money and practiced their multiplication skills in maths, discovered why Shabbat is important to Jewish children and explored creating different types of art work in the style of different artists! 

In amongst all of this, we have also found time to visit the Roald Dahl museum,  complete an investigation in Science week and take part in a trust wide History day, exploring The Battle of Hastings and William the Conqueror! We also shared a reading breakfast with our grown ups, thanks to all those who were able to come along this time.

Lots of fantastic and interesting learning opportunities for all the children!


Reading Breakfast

Trust Day

Spring 2- Brazil

Year 1 have had a very busy half term, with Carnival Day, World Book Day and a visit from Emily Gale reading her book - Mighty Maurice, amongst our extra curricula activities!

We have also worked on number bonds to 20 in Maths and explored our drama skills in English! 

Spring 1- Nurses through History

Autumn 2

All the children have had a great start to our second term and are really enjoying our new topic - Dinosaurs! It has been a very busy week, hunting for fossils, learning about Diwali and making fireworks pictures!



On Tuesday all of the children in Key Stage 1 took part in activities designed to rasie their awareness around climate change and what they could do to help.

They learned about deforestation, the water cycle, endangered species and the three R's - Reduce, Reuse, Recycle!

Autumn 1

This half term we are learning about Toys. We will be exploring how they work, what they are made from, how they have changed over the years and how they look different across the world. 

Autumn 1- Toys
