
Oxhey Wood Primary School

Reception Walliams

Welcome to Reception Walliams




Our teacher is Miss Stanton

Our morning support is Mrs Akbari

Our afternoon support is Mrs Barbulesco 

The teachers in Walliams work hard to ensure all the children are safe and happy at school.

We also do our best to make learning fun and practical, so that the children enjoy their lessons and learn lots along the way!


At Oxhey Wood we have an open door policy so please feel free to speak with me before or after school or an alternative is to email: 

No question or query is ever too small.

Our first week...



We follow the 'Monster Phonics' scheme and have been busy learning s,a,t,p,i,n,m,d,g,o,c,k,ck,e,o,r, f, ff, l, ll and ss


For support in making the right phonemes, please see the following video:


Tricky word song:

Stay and play sessions

Autumn Term

Independent phonics

Handa's surprise fruit tasting:


When reading Handa's surprise we got to taste fruits including pineapple, passionfruit, avocado, melon and oranges. 


Reading breakfast

Maths in action

Snow much fun...

Spring Term 1

Little Red Riding Hood

Lunar New Year

The Gingerbread Man

Spring Term 2

All creatures great and small

Summer 1

Summer 2
